Jumat, 02 Mei 2014

My Addiction

So, I am addicted to several things, such as hay day, youtube, and several other things. The first thing that I do when I wake up is checking my Hay day. I feel like I really want to know if everything is okay or what I need to produce this morning so all of the orders will complete. And after that I will check it continually even when I’m at work. I play it on the way to work and on the way home. I play it while I eat my breakfast. Before I sleep, I play it again so in the morning all the orders will done. And it’s just getting worst.

And then I watch youtube, if I don’t play hay day then I must be watching youtube. I like to watch funny things  like funny commercial and I also subscribed to several youtubers. So I almost watch them all the time. And it’s become unhealthy because I watch them until a very late night. It keeps me awake and want to watch more and more. I looked at the clock and said “it’s time to bed”. But before I go to bed, I want to watch something funny first. So one video leads me to another video. And I can’t stop my self. I like, telling my self to stop and get sleep but somehow I didn’t manage it well. It’s end with me watching another video. So I usually sleep at 4 A.M.

With all the social media and the chat applications that I have in my phone it makes me feel close with my friend. So, we just as far as the keypad. If I feel like want to talk with someone then I just have to push the button and there is my friend. Yeah, everything get easy nowdays. But the negative side is it keeps me away from people. I chat like 4 hours in a day. And to have physical closeness with my friend is zero since months ago. I haven’t met any of my friends for months. So literally my close friend right now is my phone. The thing that I will never forget to bring is my phone, no matter where I go or what I do, I always have my phone on my hand. I don’t even trust my self to put my phone in my pocket. I feel really connected with my phone so we have to have skin touch all the time.

So, as you can see. I really addicted to gadget. And I want to to change. I want my life back. I want the real human. I want to see the real emotion not just emoticons. Sometimes it’s hard for me to understand emoticons. I don’t really get what are emoticons trying to say.

And today I decided to stop playing hay day. Actually I’ve stopped it since two weeks ago and I still alive. I decided to watch youtube once a week and not at bed time. Uhm, this one is a really hard decision, because usually I watch youtube while I’m taking a bath. But, now it’s like no entertainment while bathing. Errrr..... it’s kinda suck but it’s for my own goodness. And the last decision that I’ve taken today is I will meet my friends as much as possible, because the friends of mine, they really got something with their gadgets too and if not, they will be so busy doing something so it’s better for me to chat by phone with them. So friends, prepare your self because I will visit you guys anytime soon. See you later........   

Selasa, 04 Maret 2014

My First Vlog

Finally i finished my first vlog and i'm ready to share it. Hahahaha
Please enjoy the video.
Love you all......

Sabtu, 30 November 2013

I am Alive

What you've missed on my life is that :

  1. People in town spread bad rumor about me that telling I'm cheating on my roommate, which I'm pretty sure that I won't do that. If there something that I hate the most except for cigarette, that is cheating. 
  2. I smell something fishy on this rumor, that my own alliance is using me for this whole time and she does it really smooth, so I just realized it. and she really washes her hands clean out of the things. So it's left me as the bad guy. Thanks anyway, you jerk!
  3. I start to like my Sundays because that is the only chance I can talk to this friend of mine while we are on our morning walk, we talk the rubbish things that help me hang on for another week.
What I really need now are :
  1. A friend that can listen to my story without asking too much questions.
  2. My morning walk that really help me to keep my days.
  3. All the kinds of sweets,
And it turns out:
  1. I sent text message to this friend of mine, telling her that I have something to tell her about. She sent me back a message : "Sorry, I can't do the morning walk anymore." She didn't even mention what problem do I have. Okay, to tell the truth is, she never be there for me. After all the things I have done for her, that is not okay to do this to me. You selfish, mean creature! I'm sorry but I'm going to call her asshole this time.
  2. The weather, yeah I can't really blame the weather, but I hope there will be sun soon so I can do my morning walk.
  3. What the hell with all of those diets things, I'll eat as I please.  
What I've learned :
  1. Do the observation before you decided something big in your life
  2. Friends aren't friends until you walk together no matter what happened
  3. At least my life isn't as flat as I thought
  4. With all of the things that happened to me, God let me know that I am alive. Yayyyyyy!!!!